Linnea - 9/30/2019
Linnea ate kix cereal and three servings of mixed fruit for breakfast. For lunch she ate ground turkey (mixed with her avocado), ate whole wheat hamburger bun, most of tomatoes and ate cherries. First picture: Well Svea and Linnea started off the day right where they left off on Friday. Slinging all the blocks off the shelves. Haha! Look at Linnea in the picture; it looks like the stack of 6 blocks is getting the best of her!! Atley joined the little ones as she likes having some chaos too! Next picture: I thought it was cute how these two little cuties were standing on blocks so they could peek over the top of the changing table. Following picture: Linnea is singing to her heart's content. She's singing, "Rain rain go away, come again anther day," Then she added "Little Gary wants to play." Haha! Next two pictures: Linnea and Svea were holding hands - Linnea initiated it - and walking across the room. That quickly ...