Linnea - 6/8/2020

Linnea ate some bran cereal and a few raisins for breakfast.  For lunch she ate chicken, whole wheat pita bread, two servings of cucumber, two servings of avocado, and two servings of pears.

This first picture is taken right after waving bye to Momma Megan.  Atley is a big girl, but from this angle, plus the fact she's on the top of the bench back railing, it makes her look huge and Linnea tiny. Funny picture.  They were looking at a worm taking refuge from the wet grass laying on the sidewalk again.  They got excited when it moved.  "It's moving Gary!  It's moving!!"

Next picture; All five girls were playing on the balance beam and it was their "airplane."  Nora was actually the one that got this started while playing with Svea and Linnea.  Avi and Atley soon joined them and when I took the picture Atley said, "Ok everybody get on the airplane.  Put your seatbelts on."  :)  The picture makes it obvious that Avi and Atley kind of "took over" this activity.  :)

Next picture;  Nora has been playing with Linnea and Svea a LOT.  I think she likes it because she's the oldest/biggest and they listen to her and she can lead the play.  I couldn't get all three in the same picture, but they were putting on "costumes" and practicing for halloween.  Nora said, "We can eat all our candy at our home."  :)  Linnea was playing with the blocks again and this time she said she was making a "farm."


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