Linnea - 7/26/2018

Linnea needed a morning nap so I gave her a bottle and she slept for almost two hours.  When I was getting her ready for nap, and afterwards as well, Hudson and Atley were singing "Good night Linnea, good night Linnea,'s time to nappy now!"  At a high volume!  It quickly escalated into a super competition for highest volume!  Atley can be VERY loud, but Hudson was up to the challenge!!  Ha!  For lunch Linnea ate ground beef, whole wheat elbow noodles, peas, and applesauce.  I basically mixed it together and she ate the large amount that I served her.  :)

These first two pictures are from yesterday afternoon!  She's kind of a little monkey!!  She spent lots of time on this little climber.  She went down the slide on her belly, head first, and was using her hands to control herself.  The last several inches she kind of lost control, face planted in the grass, rolled over and headed right back up the slide!  Ha!!  With her bare feet she could easily climb right up the slide.

We were outside playing this morning and that's Atley on the bike that stopped to visit with Linnea. Linnea loves the kids and is very social.  And they all love her as well!!  Nora tries to treat her like her personal baby, but now that Linnea is moving so well it totally changes that dynamic.  Plus, this morning Linnea grabbed Nora's doll and Nora was whimpering, "my baby, my baby, my baby."  "No Linnea, no Linnea."  Ha!  So I said, "Nora, you are the big girl.  Just stand up, take your toys and move away from her."  But that didn't work.  Nora wanted Linnea to move away.  :)  The last picture; Linnea back at the slides.  But this is a bigger and steeper one than yesterday, plus she had her sandals on, so she didn't get too far up this one.


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