Linnea - 9/14/2018

Linnea ate oatmeal and baked cinnamon apples for breakfast.  For lunch she ate hamburger stew with meat, carrots, green beans, tomatoes, and potatoes.  She had a couple bites of whole wheat dinner roll, and ate her apricots.

I like this first picture of Linnea that I took yesterday afternoon doing a sweet cheesy grin.  I didn't realize until I saw the picture how well her teeth show up!!  Speaking of teeth - wow - she got a lot of teeth all at the same time.  Now that all those teeth are poking through her overall mood has improved as well!  Poor kid!!  That has to be super hard and not fun!  This picture basically depicts hows she's been doing this week even with a runny nose!!

Well this picture looks familiar!!  She's back at that same spot.  And look at that smiling happy face.  I love to see that.  In the following picture I liked how she's using the blocks for a chair.  She was actually the one who pushed the blocks over there.  And drinking out of those cups - there are two cups stacked together.  She's been playing with the cups all week too.  It always fascinates me how they'll find something they like (the cups for this week) and play with those for several days and then move on to something else.

Next picture: All five girls playing on or beside the mattress.  It's pretty cool how they all play on there and almost never run into each other.  Linnea loves being right in the middle of everything.  That's a temperament/personality thing.  Some kids would never do that; they'd much rather observe from the sidelines.  Last picture; Linnea and Avi were watching Atley and Nora play in the igloo.


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