Linnea - 10/15/2018

Linnea ate kix cereal and mixed fruit for breakfast.  For lunch she ate most of turkey burger, bites of whole wheat hamburger bun, bite of tomato, ate avocado, and ate half of cherries.  At breakfast she was doing her long exaggerated "ahhhhhh" after a satisfying drink of her milk.  Just like the video Daddy Eric showed me.  And of course I laughed so that totally encouraged her to do more!  :)

Linnea had a great morning and stayed busy until she started running out of gas around 11:00.  So we ate lunch a few minutes early.  We did a toy, book, and puzzle exchange this weekend and everyone was very engaged with the "new" stuff today.  I like this first picture - Linnea was crawling onto the legos table, but just kind of stopped with one leg hanging over the side and played in this position for a minute or two!  In the second picture she's doing pretend play - "drinking" from a cup.

In the next picture - this is the spot where Linnea likes to bounce on the mattress.  Except she was having some issues with it this morning.  Look closely and you can see how her butt is not even on the mattress.  She kept missing it.  :)  This is where she goes to "show off" for Lauralea.  Speaking of Lauralea, I was able to get a picture of Linnea when she heard Lauralea coming up the stairs.


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