Linnea - 12/19/2018

Linnea ate french toast and strawberries for breakfast.  For lunch she ate hearty paleo stew with meat, sweet potatoes, cauliflower, broccoli, green beans, and carrots!  She also ate crackers and tropical fruit.

Linnea was so sweet coming in this morning and she acted happy to be back!  I missed you too Linnea!  :)  The first thing she did?  She went to the changing table, pointed up at it, and then motioned at her hair!  You want me to fix your hair?  She did a big head nod "yes!"  That was too stinking cute!!  (I sit the kids on the changing table because it's the perfect level for doing their ponytails! Until they are as big as Atley!!)

Here are some ADORABLE pictures from this morning!!  We've talked about this poster several times, but not today.  She was standing there and I said, "Linnea, where's Elmo?"  She turned around and pointed at him and I was ready with the camera!  :)  Good job!!  Second picture: She brought this doll over to me and I sat the doll on my knee.  Now your baby can look you right in the eye Linnea. Ha!  Third picture: Linnea and Svea were looking at the big poster and jabbering about it.  These two are pretty good buddies!

I love these last two pictures!  Linnea and Svea were putting the dress-up clothes over their heads and being silly.  They did this all on their own with no assistance from anyone.  I love in the first picture how Linnea's ponytail is sticking out of the arm hole!  :)  I also like the "top view" of Svea's head in the last picture!


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