Linnea - 1/17/2019

Linnea ate whole wheat English muffin and two servings of oranges for breakfast.  For lunch she ate ground beef, whole wheat elbow noodles, peas, and applesauce.

First two pictures: Here's Lauralea sneaking a goodbye hug from Linnea!  Ha!  Linnea's trying to focus on the poster and pretend she doesn't care!!  :)  Second picture: If you zoom in on the picture you'll see she has the book upside-down.  That always makes me giggle because at this age they don't seem to really care.  And I always say they get twice the mileage out of the books!!  :)

Next picture: Several times this morning the kids were at the window watching it snow.  One of them would say; "It's snowing!!" and they'd run to the window!  So I grabbed the camera one of the times and got a picture.  They also watched our neighbor (who's house is in the picture), Big Willy, out shoveling snow.  I yelled across the street and told him to go slow because he was providing some morning entertainment!  :)  He's loves waving at the kids!

I love these last two pictures of Linnea playing with her baby.  She was putting the blanket over the baby and then snuggling it.  So cute.  Nora is the primary one here who is a "little mommy" and Linnea has observed Nora playing in this exact way.


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