Linnea - 1/31/2019

Linnea ate two servings of waffle and two servings of fruit salad for breakfast.  For lunch she ate a large serving of Shepard's Pie with meat, carrots, potatoes, and green beans.  No whole wheat tortillas, and she ate her cherries.

Daddy Eric took Anders to the potty while I fixed Linnea's hair this morning and then took a picture for me before he left.  Linnea does so well with this and is very cooperative.  Next picture; Linnea was having fun running and working hard to keep up with Atley and Nora.  They were racing from the big window to the gate and back again; over and over.  I took this picture when they slowed down long enough to play with the school buses.  Notice that 2 of the 3 are busy on their phones.  Yup, that looks about right!  :)

Next picture - Linnea was looking at a book about babies and there is a picture of a baby on the front of it.  She was excited and trying to show it to Svea and kept saying, "Baby, Baby, Baby..."  Svea wasn't too interested, but Linnea didn't care and really didn't notice the lack of interest.  :)

I've mentioned before - several months ago - about the State requiring all licensed programs, regardless of size, have several emergency plans in place.  It was a lot of work to get the required supplies and do the paperwork, but they also require a number of drills per year.  I'm sure glad Lauralea works from home one day a week!  So we did a "shelter in place" drill today.  We have the perfect room downstairs where we keep the required supplies.

Last picture:  The littlest ones obviously haven't a clue what we're doing, but they enjoy the new environment once we get there.  :)  Linnea is looking at Lauralea in the picture; "Now why are we in this room again!?!"  :)


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