Linnea - 2/1/2019

Linnea ate cream of wheat cereal and dried plums for breakfast.  For lunch she ate baked beef kabobs with meat, pineapple, zucchini, and peppers.  She ate brown rice and some pineapple on the side.

First two pictures: Linnea working the clothes rack again!!  She put the headband on by herself and it was so cute.  Then she was trying to stick the 2nd head band on as well without much success.  She was wearing the shorts around her neck and pushing the school bus all over the place.  I tried to take a picture of her racing into the igloo with it.  About the time I got the camera ready she was yanking the shorts off her head.  :)

Next picture: Atley can make these books sound SO interesting!!  It's hard to describe unless you've heard her!  And it's even harder to ignore!  Haha!  Just kidding.  For example, this morning I counted NINE different songs she was singing (at a very high volume) while looking at the books.  This picture makes it looks like she's just totally absorbed in the book in her own quiet little world.  That's all pretty true except for the "quiet" part!  :)

Last picture:  I moved the big box out of the play room just for something different this morning.  Before I moved it all the way out I set it on it's side and in a different location and it becomes a totally different toy and something NEW!!  They were all squealing and acting like they'd not seen it before!  "We're SO happy!!  Thank you Gary!!"  :)


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