Linnea - 2/15/2019

Linnea ate brown rice and raisins for breakfast.  For lunch she ate salmon, whole wheat dinner roll, riced cauliflower, and mangoes.

The best way to start the Blog!  Snuggling with Gary!  Thank you Linnea!  This is basically our daily routine until someone else arrives.  She's looking at a book that she brought for me.  It has farm animals in it and she was identifying them; and she was especially excited to see the farm dog and puppies.  :)

I took this first picture shortly after Atley arrived and Atley was being silly on the mattress and making Linnea laugh.  Atley's favorite thing in the world; make somebody laugh!!  So following with that theme here's the second picture:  The three older girls were done with breakfast while Svea and Linnea were finishing up.  Sometimes, when Atley finishes a meal early, I have to ask her to go play on the other side of the room.  She'll come to the gate and provide entertainment for those still eating. (Especially Nora, who finds Atley's antics irresistibly hilarious!)  Atley is in the picture with her head poking around the gate.  You can also see Nora over the top of Linnea's head.

Last picture: I guess Linnea was trying to help fit Svea into the appropriate mask!  Svea just resisted a little and Linnea moved on.  Linnea was wearing a mask too and it was hung up on her ponytail and when she pulled it off she just stretched and stretched it until something finally came loose!  Ha!!


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