Linnea - 2/27/2019
Linnea ate two servings of French toast and ate strawberries for breakfast. For lunch she ate pork chop, whole wheat toast, sweet potatoes, and applesauce. The meat was cut in tiny pieces and I mixed it in with the sweet potatoes and applesauce and fed her. We have a routine at meal times that the highchair kids "come out" first. The three 'older' ones still try to come out early and always have to ask. At lunch Nora said, "Gary, can I come out!?" Linnea said, "no." Haha! Thank you Linnea.
Speaking of Linnea and Nora; This morning Linnea was holding out a toy towards Nora and Nora reached to take it. Of course that's not really what Linnea was wanting Nora to do. How do you explain to a 2 -3 year old (in this case; a very sensitive 2 - 3 year old!! ha!) that the babies hold it out for you, but don't really want you to actually take it!!
This first picture was taken shortly after Atley arrived and these two were the only kids here. Atley's jogging in circles and doing silly things like watching the ceiling while she trots in circles. Second picture; sometimes it's just fun to spin the chair with no-one in it!! Third picture: And sometimes it's fun to have a snack in the chair. Just testing out some octopus!!
Last picture: Linnea and Svea sitting together in the library looking at books. In Svea's blog I also added a picture of Svea laying on the floor looking at a book. At this library you can read the books however you want AND you don't even have to be quiet!! :)
Speaking of Linnea and Nora; This morning Linnea was holding out a toy towards Nora and Nora reached to take it. Of course that's not really what Linnea was wanting Nora to do. How do you explain to a 2 -3 year old (in this case; a very sensitive 2 - 3 year old!! ha!) that the babies hold it out for you, but don't really want you to actually take it!!
This first picture was taken shortly after Atley arrived and these two were the only kids here. Atley's jogging in circles and doing silly things like watching the ceiling while she trots in circles. Second picture; sometimes it's just fun to spin the chair with no-one in it!! Third picture: And sometimes it's fun to have a snack in the chair. Just testing out some octopus!!
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