Linnea 2/5/2019

Linnea ate whole wheat bagel (toasted and buttered) and ate grapes for breakfast.  For lunch she ate shrimp, brown rice, stir fry vegetables, and raspberries.

Linnea is almost always the first one here so it was a treat that Nora arrived a few minutes after opening!  Linnea was excited that someone besides Gary was here when she arrived!!  Both girls were running, squealing, laughing, and giggling from one side of the room to the other side!!  It was adorable.  First picture: They were in the box together,  peeking out and I managed to get a picture before they vanished and moved on to something else!!

Next picture; It was still just Nora and Linnea here and they were putting on dress-up clothes.  Once again Linnea is showing off the "Atley method" of how to wear your shorts!!  Ha!  Nora was doing the more traditional way except she had both legs in one leg hole and the shorts then fit her pretty well!! Haha!!

Last picture: Well if you zoom in close on this picture you can see some major static electricity!!  That little couch holds LOTS of static especially this time of year!  Linnea wasn't doing anything unusual; she was just sitting in close proximity and the couch was doing the rest!!  I remember one picture I took a few years back that my father-in-law thought the child was in a wind storm!!  :)


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