Linnea - 3/11/2019

Linnea ate kix cereal and mixed fruit for breakfast.  For lunch she ate ground turkey, bites of whole wheat hamburger bun, bite or two of tomato, ate avocado, and ate cherries.  The kids watch the digital picture screen at meal times and always make sure I see the picture of Gideon and I.  When it came on today Linnea started chanting, "Gary Gary Gary Gary Gary."  So cute.  Lauralea heard it and was laughing too.

I want to mention again about Child Care Resources (CCR) hosting free rides and free ice cream at the Carousel TOMORROW - Tuesday March 12,  5:30 - 7:00.  CCR is celebrating 50 Years in the community.

First picture: Well it's a big day today!!  Linnea transitioning to a nap mat and she did wonderful.  We made three trips to the living room where the kids sleep so Linnea could see where she was gonna start sleeping!  Just like the big girls!  She loves doing what the big kids do!!  I knew she was exhausted and she was the first one asleep!  The chair you see a piece of on the left side of the picture is where I sit during nap times and do the Blogs.

Here are some more pictures from this morning's activities.  I've posted a picture before of Momma Megan giving Linnea a hug in the mornings.  They are still doing their morning "girl's hug."  We did a toy, book, and puzzle exchange and Linnea played and explored with lots of different things.  Second picture - she put on the hat and boots by herself.  Then she brought the shirt to me and said, "help."  Linnea also read books, played on the mattress, and in the last picture you can see she's wearing a head lamp and she also has a flashlight in her right hand.


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