Linnea - 4/15/2019

Linnea ate cheerios and bites of banana for breakfast.  For lunch she ate bites of ground beef, most of whole wheat pita bread, ate olives, bites of salad, and ate her strawberries.

Linnea told Ryan (Nora's Dad) that "Lauralea is funny."  Haha!

I lost count how many times Linnea was crying and screaming - and holding back her poop!!  She got out a TINY amount one time.  Dang, it's kind of frustrating because I've no (easy) idea how to help her at this point!!  I managed to get a few pictures in between her yelling.  Speaking of her yelling;  Avi was still sitting at the breakfast table, everyone else was done, and she heard Linnea start howling from the play room.  (Trying to poop)  Well Avi just immediately said, "Atley just hit Linnea!!"  They were on the opposite side of the Play room and Avi did NOT see anything!!  She was just doing some "experienced guessing!"  Haha!

We did a toy, book, and puzzle exchange this weekend and I quickly took this first picture of Linnea with the bunny ears on; her right hand was already headed for the head band to yank it off!  Ha!  In the second picture Svea was in the igloo and Linnea was trying to cover the entrance with a small doll blanket.

Next picture:  Linnea played with the dress-up clothes and got shoes on both feet.  Svea soon joined her and tried hard to some shoes on as well.  Several of the kids were playing with one of the cars and I went and got the ramps for them to enjoy.  It was very crowded around the ramps for about 15 minutes and then the crowd dispersed!!  Haha!


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