Linnea - 4/24/2019

Linnea ate two servings of French toast and ate strawberries for breakfast.  For lunch she ate whole 30 chili with sweet potatoes, tomatoes, tomato sauce, and peppers.  She ate whole wheat dinner roll and tropical fruit.

First picture is from yesterday afternoon!  Linnea got to play outside here!!  Because she leaves earlier in the afternoon than anyone else she hadn't gotten much outside play time at Daycare this spring!!  But it's starting to get warmer so we were back out this morning too!  I bought some cheap baby strollers for $14 each so the kids could play with them.  Linnea loves them and Atley was willing to give her a ride!!  Second picture: We were doing bubbles outside this morning and the big kids were chasing them like crazy hollering and squealing.  Svea did find some abandoned bubbles and that's what she looking at on the ground.  "Over here Linnea, Over Here!!"  :)

Here are some more pictures from this morning.  Linnea put the hat on first and then the bunny ears and I encouraged her to go to the mirror and see what it looked like!!  Little cutie pie!!  Next picture;  The kids were waving bye to Daddy Andy at the window.  I thought it was SO cute because Linnea never took her hands off Svea's head during the entire 'waving good-bye' time.  Last picture: Linnea was sitting beside me on the couch and we started doing selfies and then I was just being goofy and trying to make her laugh!  What a nice smile!!  :)


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