Linnea - 4/25/2019

Linnea ate waffle and fruit salad for breakfast.  For lunch she ate shepherd's pie with meat, green beans, carrots, and potatoes.  She also ate whole wheat tortillas and ate cherries.

Linnea's language is growing so fast!!  She was singing to her doll this morning; "Good night baby, good night baby...."  She was also pulling on her pants to show Lauralea and she said; "Got pants." Ha!  I asked her, "What's your name?"  She said, "Abby."  (Avi)  "Giggle giggle giggle."  (Repeated that 3 or 4 times.)  I love that.  She was being silly.

First picture: This is from yesterday during outside time.  We were out twice yesterday and she played with the buckles on the new strollers both times we were out!  More than once each time!! There is no lack of focus here!!  Good job Linnea!

Next picture: I'd just finished Linnea's hair when Atley arrived and it was still damp from me spraying water on it, so I made her ponytail sticking straight up!  (It's long, right!!??)  Atley thought that was hilarious and said, "Do it again!"  Following picture: All five kids were at the window again waving at Daddy Andy.  Linnea was doing the same thing as yesterday; waving with one hand and touching Svea's head with the other hand!  Ha!  I took this first picture after the other kids were off playing, but these two were still at the window with Linnea touching Svea's head!!  Svea is ok with it - sometimes I don't think she even notices!!  :)  Last picture: My favorite picture of the kids every day!!!  Reading books!  Love it!  And Linnea does it frequently!


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