Linnea - 5/13/2019

Linnea ate cheerios and bites of banana for breakfast.  For lunch she ate bites of ground beef, no whole wheat pita bread, half of olives, bites of tomato, ate avocado, and ate strawberries.

Linnea said something really cute and funny, so I'll try to put it in context and explain what it means. During Story Time we always sit in the same order and it works good and the kids know which spot is "their's!"  The two oldest kids, Avi and Atley, sit on the arms of the couch.  Except we call them "bumps."  Today (NOT during Story Time) Atley was sitting on the bump of the couch and then slid down on the couch cushion.  Linnea was not happy about that and said, "That my bump!!"  Haha!

Later she was watching Avilene and Atley working in the Preschool area and asked, "What doing guys!?  What doing guys!?!"  Atley finally answered and told her they were "reading books" and whatever else they were doing.  Thank you for answering her Atley.

Here are some pictures from morning activities.  Shortly after Callahan arrived I laid him on the floor and Linnea was covering him with a blanket!  :)  Second picture: She was showing Atley some of her "owies" which was initiated by Atley spotting a couple.  "Where'd you get those Linnea!?!"  Third picture: I'm not sure what "game" Avi was playing, but it's not exactly what it looks like.  (If you were thinking it looks like Avi is simply keeping it away from Linnea.)  Avi was saying silly things and swinging it behind her head and Linnea was cracking up!  And of course that just encourages Avi to continue!  Last picture: Playing with the other Nelson girl!  They had some cars and were using the bottom shelf to play on.


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