Linnea - 5/21/2019

Linnea ate whole wheat English muffin and three servings of grapes for breakfast.  For lunch she ate half of pork chop, ate most of whole wheat toast, bites of beets, and ate most of applesauce.  This next note isn't about Linnea, but we'll call it Breakfast entertainment: At the breakfast table Atley did two or three really loud burps and Avi said, "Say excuse me!!"  Atley said, "no."  And Avi repeated it again.  Finally Atley said, "Excuse me!"  Avi said, "Now say it again!  You burped two times!!"  Haha!

First picture: Atley's Momma Megan, Atley, and Linnea frequently do a "girls hug" in the morning. Well today Avi and Svea were here early enough to be a part of it.  Avi of course was all over that!  Svea, on the other hand, was more than happy to just watch!  :)  Svea had several invitations, but that's as close as she got.  Do you see Linnea?  Kind of squished on the right side.  (And she doesn't mind the squished part at all!!)

Every morning our ponytail routine involves Linnea choosing the color of her ponytail holder.  There are 7 colors and she always points at black or red and says, "blue!"  Haha!  Next picture: Linnea was sharing some music with Callahan!  Haha!  Last picture: Nora and Linnea played near each other several times this morning.  Like I've mentioned before they like doing similar things, primarily with the dolls, so they are frequently near each other.  :)


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