Linnea - 6/13/2019

Linnea ate whole wheat bagel and ate peaches for breakfast.  For lunch she ate hamburger and sausage pizza with whole wheat pizza crust, tomato sauce, olives, pineapple, and peppers.  She ate a large serving of pineapple on the side as well.

I took this first picture shortly before breakfast and this is about as close as I can get to capturing all  three jumping at the same time.  Check out Nora's ponytail - going sideways like blades on a helicopter!  Very short blades.  :)  Second picture: I like how Linnea is bending slightly over to get a better view of the baby!!

Next picture: There was a lot of activity to watch outside the window this morning!  First thing, Linnea likes watching the little black puppy across the street when it accompanies the dad and boys as they walk to school.  Then Big Willy was mowing his lawn, there was a rabbit to watch, FedEx truck like you see in the picture, birds, and neighbors walking dogs!

This next picture is similar to what I posted yesterday when the "older" kids were doing preschool activities!  Linnea and Svea just continue to do their own thing like you see in the picture.  I'm not sure what game they were playing, but Linnea was handing stuffed animals to Svea and she was piling them up.


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