Linnea - 6/18/2019

Linnea ate whole wheat English muffin and grapes for breakfast.  For lunch she ate pork chop, whole wheat toast, most of beets, and ate applesauce.

First two pictures; After waving to Daddy at the window Linnea found a doll to play with.  And she played with dolls off and on all morning!!  Second picture: And she also read books more than one time this morning.  Notice she still has her baby beside her on the couch.  Books and dolls; pretty much her two favorites here!!

Next picture: I was sitting on the couch and she brought these legos over and said, "look Gary."  :)  It was about this same time that she randomly said, "I love you" without any prompting.  I think that's the first time it's happened here.  It's SO sweet when they do that!!  She and Svea also played their version of hide and seek just like I posted a few days ago.  Svea in the igloo popping in and out, Linnea going to the window and counting to 10, then Linnea going to the igloo and saying, "I found you GUYS!!!  :)

Last picture; Svea is looking at the books and "singing" really loud!  (Maybe that has been learned from Atley!!)  Anyhow, I love Linnea's reaction!  Haha!  She sat there with her hands over her ears for at least a couple of minutes or more!!


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