Linnea - 6/19/2019

Linnea ate French toast and strawberries for breakfast.  For lunch she ate Shepherd's Pie with green beans, carrots, and potatoes.  She had bites of whole wheat tortillas, and ate cherries.

First picture: Svea and Linnea were stacking these big blocks and obviously getting them pretty high. It's not an easy task for two kids this age to work on the same tower together.  These two usually do pretty well without yelling at each other.  This morning I had to intervene a couple of times - when they were trying to put blocks on at the same time - as the concept of "turn taking" is still a bit beyond their comprehension!!  :)

This second picture makes me laugh!!  Atley was bending down on Linnea's level and quizzing Linnea with a question about a car!!  Haha!  Atley really likes the cars.  I like the concentration on Linnea's face; even though she really had no idea what Atley was inquiring about!!  I had no idea what Atley's question was about!  Ha!  Also, personal space is at a minimum in this picture!!  :)

Last picture: Linnea had two books on the couch when I took this picture.  One book was about Little Boy Blue with the sheep he was watching; or actually not watching while he was asleep under the hay!  The other book is about farm animals.  Anyhow, Linnea certainly was on the right track because she was singing two songs; "Old MacDonald had a Farm" and "The Farmer in the Dell!"  Isn't that the cutest!!??  Good job Linnea.


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