Linnea - 6/24/2019

Linnea ate bran cereal and raisins for breakfast.  For lunch she ate bites of chicken, bites of whole wheat hamburger bun, bites of cucumber, bites of avocado, and ate pears.

First picture: Well I learned what NOT to do with Linnea.  :)  This is a silly game we've played for years with these lids that have mirrors on the back side.  I asked her, "You wanna see the monkey?"  And I held the mirror up in front of her face.  And of course this age group is super literal so there HAD to be a monkey somewhere!!  She couldn't find the monkey and she got upset: "Where'd monkey go, where'd monkey go!?!"  Now she's starting to whine!!  "He hiding! He hiding!!"  Ok, we'll not try that silliness again with Linnea!!  :)  At least not for awhile!

Next picture; Linnea got a doll and was playing with her baby at the same time Svea was playing with her doll.  The two girls were several feet apart, but kept yelling "MINE" when they'd look at each other's dolls!!  Goofy kids!  Yup, that's a typical Monday morning as they settle back into the Daycare routine.  They carried that same behavior to their highchairs for breakfast.  They were looking at each other yelling, "ME ME ME ME" while I was getting their breakfast on their trays.

Next picture: Linnea was just being silly on the mattress when I took this picture.  I thought it was cute how she was rolling around with the stuffed animal.  Following picture; Atley had spotted a crow on the power pole and was pointing it out to Svea and Linnea.  Last picture: Linnea offered Atley a drink of "milk."  Linnea said, "Want some?"  Atley said, "No."  Linnea said, "What you want today? Water?"  Haha!


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