Linnea - 6/7/2019

Linnea ate kix cereal and a few raisins for breakfast.  For lunch she ate salmon, whole wheat dinner roll, several bites of cauliflower, and ate her mangoes.  The table kids have lots of conversations at meal times and Linnea has apparently been listening!  A favorite topic is what they are going to be for halloween.  Avilene  - "cat boy."  Atley - "Little Red Riding Hood."  Nora - "monkey."  (Only Avi's choice is different from actual halloween last year.)  Today at lunch Linnea said, "I gonna be cat boy."  Haha!  So cute.

First picture: I was filling the little dot paint containers with more paint when Linnea arrived.  She watched and at first she would only sit in the chair.   Then she went to her knees (I took the picture), and eventually she stood up to get a good look.  Second picture: Nothing attracts attention like the street sweeper!  They are pretty loud and we can hear them coming and the kids wait at the window.  This one didn't turn and come in front of the window, but the kids were still excited to see it!

Next picture: I got the saucer out for Callahan!?!  Something new and boy everyone was instantly there messing with it.  So here's an 'aerial' view (standing on the blue balance beam) of all six kids at Little Treasures.  :)  Following picture; Svea was terrorizing Nora (again) so I headed over there to assist and Svea sprinted for the igloo.  That was pretty funny!  Last picture: Atley doing a performance singing and acting like Atley!!  And she was singing loud!  Nora was yelling for her to stop; which only encouraged her to sing louder!  If you zoom in on Linnea's reflection in the mirror her face is super serious!  Haha!


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