Linnea - 7/17/2019

Linnea ate two servings of whole wheat toast and two servings of grapes for breakfast.  For lunch she had bites of pork roast, ate whole wheat tortillas, most of potato/sweet potato, and ate fruit salad.

Ok Momma Becca, I don't know what kind of birthday outing you and your daughter had yesterday, but it was obviously a dandy!!  :)  Linnea was wiped out after Daddy dropped her off so at 8:30 I asked if she'd like to lay on her nap mat.  And she did.  First picture:  This was right at breakfast time, about 9:00 and Nora had just arrived.  Avi couldn't wait to drag Nora in to show her that Linnea was napping!  Ha!  She got up at 9:10 (on her own) and was back to her normal self.  Atley looked at Linnea and exclaimed, "She's not crying!!"  :)

Next picture: Linnea and Svea played in close proximity to each other all morning.  I couldn't believe how long Svea tolerated Linnea "combing" her hair!!  Impressive!  It went on and on and Svea never did utter a sound of protest!!  And Linnea was very intent and persistent with combing as long as she could.  A couple times they'd stop and "discuss" something and then continue on!!  Probably talking hair styles!!  :)

Last picture: Linnea was "feeding" Atley and Atley played along for several minutes.  When Atley got up and walked around Linnea kept following Atley wanting to feed her some more.  Atley said, "No, I don't want some."  Linnea asked, "Why?"  Atley said, "Cause I'm not hungry."  Haha!


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