Linnea - 8/15/2019

Linnea ate whole wheat bagel and two servings of grapes for breakfast.  For lunch she ate a large serving of hamburger and sausage pizza with olives, pineapple, tomato sauce, and peppers.  She also ate more pineapple on the side, and whole wheat pizza crust.

When Daddy Eric drove up to wave bye Linnea said, "Daddy drive Mommy's car."  Haha!  First picture: Linnea and Atley started doing exactly what they were doing yesterday; running from the window to the mattress and diving on the mattress.  Atley got them started with this: "Hey Linnea, let's do running!!"  :)

I took this next picture shortly after Svea arrived and I thought it was so cute how these two were mimicking each other in play.  They both had basically the same food toys and I like how they positioned themselves - and the distance apart makes it even cuter.  Following picture: Linnea did some drawing with markers at Art time.  We also did some stickers and she did great with those.

I took this next picture because I liked how Svea and Linnea had positioned themselves close to Callahan.  Last picture outside; Again close to Callahan, but this time it's because of those irresistible baby toys that everyone (except for Cal) are interested in!!  :)


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