Linnea - 8/29/2019

Linnea ate most of French toast and most of dried plums for breakfast.  For lunch she ate half of pulled pork, bites of whole wheat toast, ate peas, and watermelon.

First picture: Well it's that time of year again and we live on a School Bus route so this is what it frequently looks like at the window right now.  They love the big school buses.  If you look closely there is actually a 2nd school bus in the picture.  A small one headed in the opposite direction of the big one. Avi is pointing out the buses to Svea.  (Svea is partially hidden beside Avi.)

Second picture:  Initially it was just Linnea and Svea at the window driving their cars back-n-forth on the window sill.  Avilene said, "Gary, look what those people are doing!"  ("those people" - talking about Svea and Linnea.  Haha.)  I said, "They're just driving their cars and it's ok.  Avi said, "But it's hurting my ears!!"  LOL!!  She was half-way across the room!  That made me laugh.  So what did Avi do?  She went and joined them and did it much more vigorously than they'd been doing it.  Then Atley had to join them as well.

Next picture: Linnea and Svea played near each other all morning again and this time they were dinking around in the cozy corner with the pillows.  Last picture;  I'd just gotten Callahan up from his morning nap and Linnea was there to greet him when I sat him on the floor.  Kind of an unusual greeting, but we'll still call it a greeting!!  :)


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