Linnea - 8/7/2019

Linnea ate French toast and ate strawberries for breakfast.  For lunch she ate paleo stew with meat, sweet potatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, green beans, and tomatoes.  (It's SO good and nutritious!)  She ate crackers and tropical fruit.

First picture: Well I have to post a picture of Linnea with her new ponytail before she starts playing hard or yanking on it!!  She asked for a drink first thing and it's so cute because she sits right down on the step where they have their drinks.  Nice work Linnea!!

Next picture: Svea was still eating breakfast and everyone else was done.  (Svea in highchair - bottom of picture.)  The kids were jumping and Linnea kept yelling, "Watch me Svea, Watch me Svea!!"  And Svea would yell, "NO!!" which obviously meant "YES" and "DO IT AGAIN!!" because she kept laughing hard every time they'd jump!!  Following picture; Avi, Atley, and Nora were holding hands and going in circles on the mattress.  Linnea wanted to join in on the fun!!

Last picture:  The older kids sounded the alarm once again!!  "Svea is standing up there!!"  This time Linnea was her partner in climbing!  (And they were standing up!!  Not safe you two!!)  These two little monkeys were on the sink top and pretty proud of themselves.  Earlier Svea had made it to the top of the igloo and acted like she wanted to jump off of there!!


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