Linnea - 10/24/2019

Linnea ate French toast and most of dried plums for breakfast.  For lunch she ate several bites of pulled pork, no whole wheat toast, ate peas, and strawberries.
Here's a couple of things Linnea said this morning that made me laugh.
"Hey Lauralea, I'm a superhero."  :)
Linnea was trying to get Svea to do something.  She said, "Hey Svea, come on."  It wasn't working and she turned to me and said, "Gary, she's not coming on."  Hahaha.

First picture;  Callahan was following Svea and Linnea up the steps to the blue balance beam.  The girls are looking at him waiting for his next move!!  Haha!  He really had no clue what the next move should be; so I put him on the mattress.  :)

Next picture: We have a couple of cameras in the Preschool room for the kids to take pictures.  Then we display them on the digital frame so they can look at their pictures during meal times and whenever.  If you could see this in "live mode" Atley had just taken a picture, it flashed, and it was obviously pretty bright judging by Linnea's reaction.  (That was a bit too close!!)  Last picture;  Linnea likes to stash stuff in the side pockets on the chair.  She had both side pockets bulging this morning.  :)


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