Linnea - 10/25/2019

Linnea ate oatmeal and a couple bites of baked cinnamon apples for breakfast.  For lunch she ate hamburger stew with meat, carrots, green beans, and tomatoes.  She ate bites of whole wheat dinner roll and ate a large serving of apricots.

First picture;  I really like Linnea's halloween outfit today.  It's so cute!  Atley said, "I like your spooky spooky spooky shirt."  Then she noticed Linnea's pants as well.  "Spooky spooky spooky web!"  Haha!

Next picture:  So Linnea and Atley were giving each other "piggy back" rides.  Well sort of!!  This is how you flatten your piggy when you're just a little too big!!  haha!!  And just in case you're wondering;  Linnea didn't complain one little bit!!  Surprised me too!!  I still told Atley to get off because I was afraid she was gonna squish poor Linnea!

Next picture;  Atley and Linnea got on the shelves with blankets and books.  Linnea actually still fits in there pretty good without too much discomfort.  Or at least that's what it looks like.  Atley on the other hand only stayed in there for about 27 seconds and said she was gonna read somewhere else!!  Haha!  That's a good idea Atley!!   Last picture: I think it's cute when Linnea and Svea gather up some books and go to the yellow benches to read.  They each have their own bench!  :)


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