Linnea - 12/17/2019

Linnea ate whole wheat English muffin and two servings of grapes for breakfast.  For lunch she ate most of pork chop meat, ate whole wheat toast, beets, and applesauce.

This first picture is from yesterday afternoon and this is pretty classic Svea and Linnea playing together - or near each other.  :)  They each have a phone and are busy making calls, updating information, and texting friends.  Haha.  Well maybe just calls - which is all these old phones had the capability to do.

Next picture: Linnea and Svea both had to get on the floor and be near Baby Miles.  Linnea sure loves Miles and like I've mentioned several times he's the first one she asks about when she comes.  "Where Miles at?"  He's coming.  Following picture: Isn't this the cutest picture?!?  She has her own baby here and was reading books to the baby.  So cute.  Last picture: Linnea had on a hat and some dress-up boots.  Mis-matched boots, but she didn't care.  :)  She was trying to put another one of the boots on Svea, but Svea was moving too fast.  Haha.


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