Linnea - 2/18/2020

Linnea ate whole wheat bagel and three servings of grapes for breakfast.  For lunch she ate shrimp, whole wheat toast, stir fry vegetables, and two servings of raspberries. I burned the brown rice so we substituted toast for lunch.  Atley said, "I don't like that smell!!"  It was pretty rank, I agree!  :)

First picture - Linnea had the dolls and doll blankets on the couch taking care of her babies.  She is feeding the baby some pizza in the first picture.  In the second picture she was getting up on the couch and saying, "I wanna look at pictures of Gideon."  Haha!  Me too!  So we did.

Next picture: The four girls; Avi, Atley, Linnea, and Svea barricaded themselves in the igloo.  Or maybe it was built to keep Callahan out!  He really didn't want to be in the igloo anyhow!!  He was way more fixated on attaining one of the flashlights they had.  And that is what he was reaching for around the blocks when I took this picture.  Haha.  And he managed to snatch one right after this picture!!  Score! Good job Cal!!

Last picture:  I thought it was cute how Svea, Linnea, and Cal were lined up in front of the toy shelves.  That's actually a pretty efficient place to set up camp!  Right in front of the goodies!!  Linnea and Svea were clearing all the food toys off the shelf when I took the picture.


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