Linnea - 2/21/2020

Linnea ate French toast and ate dried plums for breakfast.  For lunch she ate pulled pork, half of whole wheat toast, ate peas, and strawberries.

First picture; This is kind of a morning ritual when Linnea and Atley are the earliest arrivals.  "Let's run Linnea!!!  Let's run!!"  Back and forth across the room they go.  :)  Second picture: And when you run you get thirsty!!  :)  So this is the second part of the morning ritual; Atley getting Linnea's water bottle.  Thanks for being a good helper Atley!

Next picture: I just thought it was cute how Svea and Linnea had situated themselves to read on the couch.  Love this picture.  Last picture: What are you doing Atley?  "Fixing Linnea's hair."  :)  Actually I think she was pretending to wash and rinse it at this point.  (She probably knows more about what happens in a Salon than what I know!!  Haha!!)


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