Linnea - 3/3/2020

Linnea ate whole wheat English muffin and most of dried plums for breakfast.  For lunch she ate chicken mixed with stir fry vegetables, ate brown rice, and ate mandarin oranges.

I took this first picture after Cal and Linnea were waving bye at their Daddies and brothers!  I asked Linnea; "Hey have you noticed that Callahan is walking now?"  She said, "Nope."  And that is most likely the truth!!  Haha!  However, she did notice a nasty smell.  "Cal is poopy Gary!"  Thank you Linnea!  Actually I think that's the first time Linnea has mentioned a "smell."  She's at the age when I start hearing about different smells from the kids as their sense of smell develops way more fully about this time period!!

Next picture: Yup, you're getting more brave Linnea!!  Judging from the grin I'd say she's proud of herself.  :)

These next two pictures made me laugh.  I was listening to Atley read to Linnea.  Atley said, "He's trying to eat the carrot."  When they were done I had to look because I knew there was nothing like that in the book.  The last picture is what Atley was referring to and it does look that way!!  Haha!!  Olaf was offering a cup of cocoa to Sven.  And it's the last page of a "counting" book so the cocoa has 10 marshmallows in it.  :)


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