Linnea - 6/9/2020

Linnea ate blueberry muffin and ate two servings of grapes for breakfast.  For lunch she ate two servings of shrimp, ate brown rice, a large serving of stir fry vegetables, and ate raspberries.  At breakfast Svea told Linnea; "Here's your high chair Linnea."  Linnea was SO excited!  She acted like the chair had been missing!!  "Svea found my high chair Gary!!  Svea found my high chair!!"  :)  Also at breakfast time Avilene said, "My Mom has a wallet and it has a LOT of money in it!!"  Linnea said, "My Mom has a wallet and it has dinosaurs in it."  LOL

First picture; Linnea got down and said "hi" to Miles and I happened to have the camera ready.  She doesn't really like to cooperate if I try to recreate a scene so I have to catch her in the moment!!  Ha. Following picture: Playing with one of the masks.  It's kind of freaky looking when you can't see their eyes!!  Walking blindly about!!

Three pictures of the two little cuties hanging out!!  First picture - I'd just finished putting ponytails in their hair and they had to visit the mirror to see if I did an ok job.  :)  Last two pictures they were visiting and enjoying each other.  So cute.  I heard Svea telling Linnea; "It's almost Christmas time!"


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