Linnea - 12/21/2018

Linnea ate brown rice and raisins for breakfast. For lunch she ate most of salmon, bites of whole wheat dinner roll, ate cauliflower, and mangoes. First I want to wish everyone a very merry Christmas. This will be the last Blog for Linnea until she returns on January 2nd!! Gonna miss you Linnea!! Linnea was making me laugh this morning. She was up very close to my face, four inches maybe, and was studying my eyes, then all of my face. It was too cute!! Also, she's kind of fascinated watching me put my hearing aids in my ears every morning. What the heck are you doing?!? She'll go to one side, look in that ear, go to the other side and examine that ear. :) Another cute thing she was doing this morning: Snapping her fingers. Have you seen her doing that!?! She was using her thumb and middle finger - perfect form - and even made the "snap" sound once! :) She was also blowing kisses to Lauralea. ...