
Showing posts from June, 2019

Linnea - 6/27/2019

Linnea ate most of French toast and half of dried plums for breakfast.  For lunch she ate ground beef with marinara sauce, whole wheat spaghetti noodles, most of cauliflower, and ate fruit salad. First picture: Well I decided to see how Linnea's hair would do with two ponytails and I love it!!  First time for me to do two in her hair!  I told her what I planned to do and she was very patient! Second picture: Linnea's flashlight wouldn't shine so Atley was trying to figure it out for her.  Atley eventually handed it to me and I just firmly thumped it on my knee and it immediately went on.  "Magic!"  Hey, they were impressed and that's all that matters!! haha! Next picture: Svea and Linnea utilizing one of the mirrors!!  :)  They were both wearing little "jumpers" or whatever they're called.  Nora totally recognized that!  She looked at Linnea and asked, "What is that?"  Well I think it's called a jumper.  A few minutes l...

Linnea - 6/26/2019

Linnea ate whole wheat toast and two servings of mangoes for breakfast.  For lunch she ate bites of pulled pork, bites of whole wheat bun, ate peas, and strawberries. The first two pictures are leftover from yesterday afternoon.  There are small apples falling off the neighbor's apple tree and the kids have been picking them up and tossing them around the yard.  So I went and got the garbage basket (semi-hidden behind Avi) and gave them a place to toss the little apples.  Right now the apples are "choke-able size" and that makes me very nervous!!  So I'll be doing some major branch cutting this weekend!!  (I do have an agreement with my neighbor, just in case you thought you might be reading about me in the paper!!  "Neighbor destroys Neighbor's apple tree!!"  Haha!!) This second picture is also left over from yesterday afternoon when the kids got up from their naps.  It was cute how Svea and Linnea arranged themselves to read books. ...

Linnea - 6/25/2019

Linnea ate whole wheat bagel and two servings of grapes for breakfast.  For lunch she ate shrimp, brown rice, stir fry vegetables, and raspberries. This first note and picture are from yesterday afternoon.  This is my shirt from yesterday and I told the kids it was me and "I am a super hero."  So in the afternoon Linnea pointed at it and said, "Gary super girl."  LOL!!  It was so funny, except Atley and Nora were having no part of that!  They kept telling Linnea I was a "super boy."  Ha!  Linnea never did relent; "super girl!!"  :) At breakfast Linnea was quizzing Nora, "Where's Atley?"  Nora, pointing at Atley, said, "right there."  Linnea went through everyone in the Daycare, including me, and then she started over.  Nora played right along with her answering the question every time!  Good job Nora. Next picture: As you can see Svea and Linnea were sitting very close together playing with the food toys.  I r...

Linnea - 6/24/2019

Linnea ate bran cereal and raisins for breakfast.  For lunch she ate bites of chicken, bites of whole wheat hamburger bun, bites of cucumber, bites of avocado, and ate pears. First picture: Well I learned what NOT to do with Linnea.  :)  This is a silly game we've played for years with these lids that have mirrors on the back side.  I asked her, "You wanna see the monkey?"  And I held the mirror up in front of her face.  And of course this age group is super literal so there HAD to be a monkey somewhere!!  She couldn't find the monkey and she got upset: "Where'd monkey go, where'd monkey go!?!"  Now she's starting to whine!!  "He hiding! He hiding!!"  Ok, we'll not try that silliness again with Linnea!!  :)  At least not for awhile! Next picture; Linnea got a doll and was playing with her baby at the same time Svea was playing with her doll.  The two girls were several feet apart, but kept yelling "MINE" when they...

Linnea - 6/19/2019

Linnea ate French toast and strawberries for breakfast.  For lunch she ate Shepherd's Pie with green beans, carrots, and potatoes.  She had bites of whole wheat tortillas, and ate cherries. First picture: Svea and Linnea were stacking these big blocks and obviously getting them pretty high. It's not an easy task for two kids this age to work on the same tower together.  These two usually do pretty well without yelling at each other.  This morning I had to intervene a couple of times - when they were trying to put blocks on at the same time - as the concept of "turn taking" is still a bit beyond their comprehension!!  :) This second picture makes me laugh!!  Atley was bending down on Linnea's level and quizzing Linnea with a question about a car!!  Haha!  Atley really likes the cars.  I like the concentration on Linnea's face; even though she really had no idea what Atley was inquiring about!!  I had no idea what Atley's question wa...

Linnea - 6/18/2019

Linnea ate whole wheat English muffin and grapes for breakfast.  For lunch she ate pork chop, whole wheat toast, most of beets, and ate applesauce. First two pictures; After waving to Daddy at the window Linnea found a doll to play with.  And she played with dolls off and on all morning!!  Second picture: And she also read books more than one time this morning.  Notice she still has her baby beside her on the couch.  Books and dolls; pretty much her two favorites here!! Next picture: I was sitting on the couch and she brought these legos over and said, "look Gary."  :)  It was about this same time that she randomly said, "I love you" without any prompting.  I think that's the first time it's happened here.  It's SO sweet when they do that!!  She and Svea also played their version of hide and seek just like I posted a few days ago.  Svea in the igloo popping in and out, Linnea going to the window and counting to 10, then Li...

Linnea - 6/17/2019

Linnea ate whole wheat Chex cereal and peaches for breakfast.  For lunch she ate bites of ground beef, half of whole wheat hamburger bun, bites of avocado, bites of tomatoes, and ate her oranges.  Breakfast conversation went like this;  Nora said, "I have a new room."  Avi said, "I have a new bed."  Even Linnea got in on this conversation; "I have a nap mat."  That was SO cute.  Not real "new," but close enough!  Atley said, "I have a new house."  Nora said, "Gary has a new baby and blanket!"  Referring to the Toy Exchange!!  Haha!! First picture: We did a toy, book, and puzzle exchange this weekend and Linnea went for the dress-up clothes first!!  She had this stuff on (with help from me - when she asked for assistance) and I took the picture before Daddy and Anders even got to the window to wave bye this morning. Here are some more pictures from Linnea's busy morning.  She was holding a doll wrapped in a blanket an...

Linnea - 6/13/2019

Linnea ate whole wheat bagel and ate peaches for breakfast.  For lunch she ate hamburger and sausage pizza with whole wheat pizza crust, tomato sauce, olives, pineapple, and peppers.  She ate a large serving of pineapple on the side as well. I took this first picture shortly before breakfast and this is about as close as I can get to capturing all  three jumping at the same time.  Check out Nora's ponytail - going sideways like blades on a helicopter!  Very short blades.  :)  Second picture: I like how Linnea is bending slightly over to get a better view of the baby!! Next picture: There was a lot of activity to watch outside the window this morning!  First thing, Linnea likes watching the little black puppy across the street when it accompanies the dad and boys as they walk to school.  Then Big Willy was mowing his lawn, there was a rabbit to watch, FedEx truck like you see in the picture, birds, and neighbors walking dogs! This ...

Linnea - 6/12/2019

Linnea ate whole wheat toast and grapes for breakfast.  For lunch she ate bites of pork roast, whole wheat tortillas, bites of sweet potatoes, bite of carrots and ate a large serving of fruit salad. First picture: First order of business this morning is examining and comparing each other's owies and bruises!  Atley fell on the sidewalk outside yesterday afternoon.  She showed everyone (including parents) her bandaid this morning.  It's that time of year!!  Less clothes to protect the legs and running on sidewalks!! Next picture: I'm not sure what game Linnea and Svea were playing here, but Svea kept going from the mirror over to the couch where Linnea was laying.  And they were giggling and laughing.  Maybe it was a preview of the "hide and seek" game I describe in the following two pictures.  I love how these two will play like this.  They don't notice or care when the "older" girls go to the preschool room.  They just continue to...

Linnea - 6/11/2019

Linnea ate whole wheat English muffin and half of her dried plums for breakfast.  For lunch she ate chicken, brown rice, stir fry vegetables, and ate oranges. I have a note left over from yesterday afternoon that's mostly about Avi, but Linnea was the "supporting cast" in this scene!!  haha!  Linnea was trying to climb up the slide while others were trying to go down.  Avi said, "I wouldn't do that if I was you!  It's not safe!!"  That's exactly the phrases I use.  :)  Linnea said, "ok."  Thank you for watching out for the smaller and younger kids Avi!! At first glance this looks like a simple picture and it is except it represents a LOT of work!!  :)  Linnea worked and worked to get her sunglasses (or at least one bow) tucked into the neck of her shirt!!  That's how Atley's Momma Megan carries her sunglasses and Atley mimics her.  Linnea worked and worked until she was successful! Just a couple of pictures from Li...

Linnea - 6/10/2019

Linnea ate cheerios and most of banana for breakfast.  For lunch she ate ground beef, bites of whole wheat pita bread, ate avocado, bite of tomatoes, and ate strawberries.  She finished her strawberries, pointed at them and said, "want more "blueberries." Which made me laugh because she calls the red ponytail holders "blue."  So at least she's being consistent!!  :) Atley and Linnea were the first two kids here like usual and Atley was at the window watching a crow in the yard about 10 feet from the window.  She said, "Hey Linnea, come see the crow.  He's looking for a worm."  So Linnea hustled over and they watched it for a couple more minutes before it flew off.  Thank you for inviting Linnea to watch too Atley. First picture: Svea and Linnea were playing on and around the blue balance beam, but of course when I got the camera Linnea started poking her finger in and beside her nose!!  Ha!  Second picture - she's pulling up a second...

Linnea - 6/7/2019

Linnea ate kix cereal and a few raisins for breakfast.  For lunch she ate salmon, whole wheat dinner roll, several bites of cauliflower, and ate her mangoes.  The table kids have lots of conversations at meal times and Linnea has apparently been listening!  A favorite topic is what they are going to be for halloween.  Avilene  - "cat boy."  Atley - "Little Red Riding Hood."  Nora - "monkey."  (Only Avi's choice is different from actual halloween last year.)  Today at lunch Linnea said, "I gonna be cat boy."  Haha!  So cute. First picture: I was filling the little dot paint containers with more paint when Linnea arrived.  She watched and at first she would only sit in the chair.   Then she went to her knees (I took the picture), and eventually she stood up to get a good look.  Second picture: Nothing attracts attention like the street sweeper!  They are pretty loud and we can hear them coming and the kids wait a...